Framework for Aquatic Species at Risk Conservation

A beluga whale

The Species at Risk Program continued engagement on the Framework for Aquatic Species at Risk Conservation (the Framework). The Framework was drafted based on feedback received, and the discussion paper was available for comments and feedback. We sought input on guiding principles, considerations and recommendations for the application of multi-species approaches to conservation.

What is the Framework?

The Framework is a guide for improving conservation outcomes for aquatic species at risk by applying multi-species approaches under the Species at Risk Act. Multi-species approaches can be proactive and help to address the needs of multiple species at the same time, though single species approaches will still be used where needed. Using multi-species approaches can also help to foster collaboration, supporting conservation actions beyond what could be achieved by a single government, community or stakeholder.

For definitions and more information, please see the Frequently Asked Questions and Fact Sheet that are available.

Purpose of Engagement

Salmon in a riverEngagement with Indigenous Peoples, provinces and territories, and all partners and interested parties is essential in developing the Framework. Insight received from initial engagement in 2022 on key concepts led to the development of a discussion paper, and DFO sought your feedback on the guiding principles, considerations, and ideas for implementation of multi-species approaches to conservation. Engagement on the Framework launched in the spring of 2023 and continued until November 2023. DFO plans to incorporate feedback and finalize the Framework for publication in 2024.

Please see the Feedback Questionnaire or the engagement presentation for the engagement discussion questions.

A beluga whale

The Species at Risk Program continued engagement on the Framework for Aquatic Species at Risk Conservation (the Framework). The Framework was drafted based on feedback received, and the discussion paper was available for comments and feedback. We sought input on guiding principles, considerations and recommendations for the application of multi-species approaches to conservation.

What is the Framework?

The Framework is a guide for improving conservation outcomes for aquatic species at risk by applying multi-species approaches under the Species at Risk Act. Multi-species approaches can be proactive and help to address the needs of multiple species at the same time, though single species approaches will still be used where needed. Using multi-species approaches can also help to foster collaboration, supporting conservation actions beyond what could be achieved by a single government, community or stakeholder.

For definitions and more information, please see the Frequently Asked Questions and Fact Sheet that are available.

Purpose of Engagement

Salmon in a riverEngagement with Indigenous Peoples, provinces and territories, and all partners and interested parties is essential in developing the Framework. Insight received from initial engagement in 2022 on key concepts led to the development of a discussion paper, and DFO sought your feedback on the guiding principles, considerations, and ideas for implementation of multi-species approaches to conservation. Engagement on the Framework launched in the spring of 2023 and continued until November 2023. DFO plans to incorporate feedback and finalize the Framework for publication in 2024.

Please see the Feedback Questionnaire or the engagement presentation for the engagement discussion questions.

  • Multi-interest Engagement session held June 22, 2023

    supporting image

    The multi-interest engagement session for the Framework for Aquatic Species at Risk Conservation was held June 22. The presentations and all supporting documents from these sessions are posted here.

    If you were unable to attend or would like to submit your comments, please send them to the Species at Risk Program at: